Zeta Tau Alpha - Atlanta Metro Alumnae

Zeta Links
Contact Us
Zeta Links
2006-2007 Events

Zeta Tau Alpha & Friends Website Links 
Please click the image to open a new browser that links to the appropriate web site.

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity
3450 Founders Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone: (317) 872-0540
Fax: (317) 876-3948


Zetas on MySpace.com
Our very own Pam Masters has published a site on "My Space". 
Stop by and check it out! 

Kalen Spies, a Zeta Alum from The University of Texas.
She is now a mother of 3 trying to start a business making
"Activity Bags for Children".  Show her your support!

If you are a Zeta with your own business and would like to advertise on our site, please contact Lisa Amundsen at munsen@bellsouth.net.